Pay For Results, Not Time
As Many Classes As You Like

Results Based Packages
With The Canine Classroom you subscribe to a puppy training Brisbane package to reach a particular level. For Basic (or better) you can attend AS MANY classes as you want. (Each level has 5 classes a week). If your dog does not reach the achievement level during our typical training course time period, we will continue training until it does. NO extra charge - satisfaction guaranteed! One month or one year. It doesn't matter.

Evidence Based Assessments
At each level from Puppies to Control your dog will be assessed for understanding & responsiveness to instructions. A set series of criteria exist at each training level which we assess your dog for during a formal Assessment Session. Each Assessment is split into 2 halves giving your dog two chances in the Assessment to demonstrate they understand what is needed from their instructions.

Free Lifetime Maintenance Guarantee
Once you have completed Control, you will receive a certificate confirming your dog’s level of training. After that, you may come back any time as often as you wish to maintain the level for free, for life!
NO charge for the rest of the dog’s life!