TimTam is now 8 years old, going on 2!

At 18 months, we had to choose between The Canine Classroom and adoption - she was so bad.

Our story started when we were given Casper after a family separation. Fortunately for TimTam, we chose The Canine Classroom. Recently, while walking around the neighbourhood off leash, she was complimented on her behaviour by none less than the Council Dog Catcher, who said that it was great to see such a well behaved and obedient dog happily walking off leash.

The Canine Classroom has given us 6 years of wonderful dog companionship

- thanks.

Alan Beswick


Socialisation · 20%
Obedience · 10%
Dependability · 20%
Aggression · 80%


Socialisation · 80%
Obedience · 90%
Dependability · 90%
Aggression · 5%